We are excited to invite you to the SPATIAL Final Event, which will take place at the Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management, TU Delft, Jaffalaan 5, 2628BX, Delft, Netherlands, from 10:00 to 17:00 on July 1st.
The event, called “Guiding Light In the AI Landscape: Illuminating the Path to a Trustworthy AI Ecosystem” coordinated by Aaron Ding, will commence with an opening session, followed by Michael Zimmer’s keynote on “Data Ethics Through Discernment? A Possible Approach to Ethics of AI.” Subsequently, a panel discussion titled “Critical Outlook for AI,” moderated by Aaron Ding, will feature insights from several experts, including Zimmer.
Attendees will then engage interactively with posters during a coffee break. After a lunch and social break, Nicolas Kourtellis will deliver a keynote on “Innovating Next-Gen Telco Networks with Privacy-Preserving AI Architectures,” followed by a panel on “Opportunities and Career in AI,” moderated by Caroline Figueroa.
Another interactive poster session and coffee break will lead into Anne Fleur van Veenstra’s keynote, “Towards Responsible AI: How to Integrate into Different Domains.” The agenda will continue with short talks by SPATIAL x ExtremeXP, and conclude with a panel on “Industry Academia Collaboration,” moderated by Marijn Janssen, and closing remarks from Aaron Ding.
Join us for a day of insightful discussions, networking, and learning about the latest advancements in AI. REGISTER HERE! EUSurvey – Survey (europa.eu)
We look forward to your participation!