The SPATIAL project, funded by the European Union, has developed 4 use cases to enhance the trustworthiness and functionality of AI systems. These use cases focus on four key areas: Privacy-Preserving AI on the Edge and Beyond, Improving Explainability, Resilience, and Performance of Cybersecurity Analysis of 5G/4G/IoT Networks; Resilient Cybersecurity and Accountable AI in Emergency eCall Systems.
To support these use cases, SPATIAL has created several solutions. Among them, educational modules for the general public and advanced users. These modules aim to increase understanding and foster responsible AI use.
Central to SPATIAL’s efforts is the SPATIAL platform, which assesses AI trustworthiness using a combination of metrics. This platform ensures AI models are accountable, private, and resilient.
Additionally, the project introduces the COMPASS framework, which helps organizations critically evaluate the technical innovations and societal impacts of AI systems. This framework guides AI developers and auditors in creating responsible and trustworthy AI, adaptable to different industries’ needs.
Read more about the SPATIAL solutions here.