On the 11th of January, the IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference took place in a virtual conference format.

Madhusanka Liyanage, one of the members of the University College Dublin, partner of SPATIAL, was the person in charge of holding this tutorial.

Abstract: Although the fifth-generation wireless networks are yet to be thoroughly investigated, the visionaries of the 6th generation (6G) ecosystem have already come into the discussion. Therefore to consolidate and solidify the security and privacy in 6G networks, this tutorial will present how the security may impact the envisioned 6G wireless systems with the possible challenges and the potential solutions. This tutorial will provide our vision on 6G security with the tentative threat landscape based on the foreseen 6G network architecture. We discuss the security and privacy challenges that the available 6G requirements and potential 6G use cases may encounter. In particular, the tutorial will discuss the security considerations associated with 6G enabling technologies such as distributed ledger technology (DLT), physical layer security, distributed AI/ML, visible light communication (VLC), THz, and quantum communication. The tutorial will also provide insights into the standardisation efforts and research-level projects relevant to 6G security. To sum up, this tutorial will give enlightening guidance to subsequent research of 6G security and privacy at this initial phase of vision towards reality.

“This tutorial provided our vision on 6G security with the tentative threat landscape based on the foreseen 6G network architecture.”

More Details: https://ccnc2022.ieee-ccnc.org/program/tutorials#tut-7