The SPATIAL project is advancing accountable artificial intelligence (AI) systems in various fields. Within the project, WP1, led by Nikolay Ttcholtchev from Fraunhofer Fokus, is responsible for investigating and capturing a catalogue of non-functional requirements for accountability supporting AI systems. These include, on the one hand, aspects such as performance and implications on the hardware architectures, whilst on the other hand, key features such as usability, (theoretical) scalability, and security by design should be considered and elaborated on. The envisioned AI algorithms and architectures should be explainable, privacy-preserving and ethical.

Fraunhofer Fokus is also in charge of the use case  “Accountable AI in Emergency eCall System”, designing and implementing a Communications Framework for AI Privacy applications for the Emergency eCall System. 

In an exclusive interview with Nikolay Ttcholchev, we dive into the current status of WP1, goals, challenges, and the status of the use case.