Welcome to the second blog of the DISCOVER THE SPATIAL WORK series, where we dive into the SPATIAL workpackages with our WP Leaders!

Let’s analyse WP2 – Resilient accountability metrics and embedded algorithmic accountability, where Dr. Shen Wang (School of Computer Science, University College Dublin), WP2 leader, will present the work done, the impact generated by this WP and the plan for the coming months.

  • Main activities carried out in the first project period

Three main activities were conducted within the first two years of the SPATIAL project. Initially, Fraunhofer FOKUS, in collaboration with five partner institutions, completed a thorough requirement analysis to evaluate the accountability and resilience of existing AI algorithms within typical cybersecurity applications. Following these insights, Telefónica and associates devised a series of metrics aimed at quantifying the accountability and susceptibility of these AI algorithms. Lastly, UCD and six partners outlined a strategic 4-step process designed to enhance the accountability and resilience of AI-driven cybersecurity solutions.

  • How is this WP linked with the others? How are the activities carried out in this WP beneficial for the other project tasks?

The foundational requirements assembled in WP1 inspire the initial activity of WP2, both sharing similar technical focus and commencing concurrently. The metrics developed and the ensuing process, built upon these metrics, form the cornerstone for the SPATIAL platform’s development in WP3 and the inaugural pilot development in WP5. In addition, insights from the AI/XAI algorithm studies, along with preliminary experiments in cybersecurity contexts, are integrated into the Minna Learn educational module developed in WP4.

  • What is the part of this WP that can be the most impactful?

Each activity within WP2 is integral to our unified goal; thus, no single task stands out as more impactful than another. We aspire that our principal aim in WP2, which is to cultivate a human-centred 4-step guidance process for existing AI-centric cybersecurity solutions, will prove to be influential and important to the success of all subsequent WPs connected to the SPATIAL project.

  • What are your plans for the remaining part of the project?

As the leader of WP2, our UCD team is committed to steadfastly supporting the progressive development of the SPATIAL platform in WP3 and the pilot developments in WP5. Parallel to these roles, we will also lend our expertise to the refinement of requirements and design principles in WP1, ensuring a cohesive and successful project completion.